Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog #4 - Random Ramblings

Well, you can thank MrMoBedda for this idea because it was all his He said he needed to blog more and that left me to my own damn devices. So. Here it is, Superbowl Sunday. The New Orleans Saints have killed the Indianapolis Colts. Not necessarily killed...but either way, the damn Saints won the Superbowl. Good job, Mr. Reggie Kardashian. High five for you and your team. By the way, please tell #16 that he's pretty yummy in my damn tummy. Onward to my ADD ass blog!

Speaking of Reggie Bush, I had a discussion a couple of weeks ago about how Reggie Bush was on the cover of Essence (I think) and how one of the topics on the cover was "Black Love" or something along those lines. A lot of people I know had their pannies/boxers all in a bunch because they're all "Reggie doesn't know shit about black love because he's not dating a black woman". I wanna know where it said that they were even gonna ask Reggie anything on Black Love.

Speaking of love, I would love to be in love again. I have been in love three times, but one of those would be considered puppy love and the other was more me being infatuated than him. My last one is love. However, I think RIGHT NOW AT THIS VERY MOMENT, it's changing from that intimate "I want to be with you forever love" to that "I love you because of what we had" kind of love. But that could simply be because it's one of those things that will never be and that has been made known. Who determines what love is, anyways. How do YOU as an individual, quantify love? This love I was in was that kind of love where all he had to do was ask and I would have jumped to the moon. Now, not so much. He can ask all he better make your baby momma fucking

Speaking of jump...what is with this wack ass influx of people not being able to shoot the fair one with fists anymore? Whatever happened to just a plain old street fight? Why do we have to bring weapons into it? I think that is SO lame. True testament of a man is the ability to fight...not pull out a weapon. Just a good, straight fight.

And...I just got some news that kinda hurt my heart a little bit, so...goodnight.

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