Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blog #28 - Songz, Thoughts & That O Dude

So, I'm sure as you know...I am a big ass fan of Trey Songz. I have recently discovered carries a lot, if not all, of his mixtapes. So, of course in order to download them, you have to become a member, which I did. I'm running through them to figure out which ones I want to download when I happened upon the Love King mixtape. Now, the first 3 songs on Love King are slow and romantical (yeah, I know that's not a real word) and stuff, which prompted me to write this blog sort of about me and Omar...sort of about Omar and his new chick (let's call her Mya)...but either way the topic of this one will be Omar. I don't mean to talk about him a lot, because I feel like I ramble on about him...but he was such a big portion of my life. I mean, it was 8 years, yanno. You can't forget that, even more so because it didn't end all shitty and we're still friends.

Anyway, the first song on Love King is called For the Sake of Love. I listened to this song and surprisingly, the relationship that ran through my head wasn't mine and Omar' was his and his new chick's relationship, based on some stuff that he told me, I think this would be a good song for him and her. It's basically about how all the shit he does is for them and blah blah blah. It's pretty funny because the other day he was telling me about how she wants him to stop doing something (the same shit I wanted him to stop doing but he's with the same "It's all I know" stuff [eyeroll]), but I'm pretty sure he told her the same thing he used to tell me: you not complaining when you get "blah blah blah or when I buy you x, y and z". So, yeah. I can see him playing this song for her while sitting there and holding her and all that nice romantical stuff (edit: I have no idea why that sounded so haterish after re-reading it, but it's totally not meant in a hater way).

The second song is called Til the Day I Die. This song is basically about how he's riding for her/them until the day he dies (clearly). Again, I thought about Omar and Mya. I could see him telling her that. Particularly because I know he likes her a lot (I think he might love her a little bit, to be honest and he's just not telling me because he might "hurt" me) and all that good stuff. Good song for them ( this, I don't know why the hell it sounds like it's dripping with disdain and hate!).

The last song in the trio is called It Would Be You. This one is the one that makes me think of Omar and I. And to be honest, I think the only reason it does that is because one day, sometime after the break up (I think), I asked him if he could have anything in the world, what would it be. And he said "It would be you." It's a really nice song actually and it's reminiscent of discussions that he and I have had previously...and I still feel like this although I don't know if it's a little bit or a lotta bit. I feel like it's one of those songs that I would listen to repeatedly just takes me back to that time. Is reminiscing a sign of depression or desperation?

Sidebar: him and Mya got into a little tiff and now that they've made up...I kinda feel like I'm losing him. Not as a lover or anything romantic...but as my friend. Since our breakup, he's become my best friend (among other things. It almost feels like nothing ever ended, to be It could be that or that stupid ass app on his shitty ass phone. But yeah...I kinda feel like we don't talk like we used to before things became official between them. I think if it ever comes to the point where we have to stop talking...I actually think I'd be really sad. That would suck ass, actually. But there would be nothing to do but to take a big girl pill and suck that shit up and move on. But, it is what it is and it will be what it will be.

*goes to listen to another mixtape and hope it's not as mushy, even though I kinda like the mushiness*

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